I know we have already left the States, however, I feel like training needs to be talked about a little. Whenever we got to New Braunfels, we were chomping at the bit. Every girl made the comment “I just wanna be on the airplane NOW”. We all fully recognized the need and neccessity of training, but we were coming in with the perspective of “we’ve been waiting this long, let’s GO!” I have to say though, I am so so so grateful for those three days of preparation. Not only did they pump me up more for the places we will be serving, but they really gave our team bonding a jumpstart. And also, the Lord has already used multiple sessions during training to begin to speak and soften my heart towards Him. He doesn’t need a plane ride to start his journey. He began then, and through it.

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But now we have arrived in Hong Kong and are doing great! I am wrapping up my first full day in the city as I type this. It’s 9:50 p.m. here, 13 hours ahead of back home. Jet lag is kind of getting to me, but I am forcing myself to stay awake until bedtime so that I can get used to the time change.

Last night our plane landed around 7:30 p.m. Our flight was delayed a little over an hour, but that was okay. Our team spent the time getting to know each other better. Once we got to our flat, a small two bedroom apartment-style place, we were pretty dead. However, our bodies betrayed us and woke us all up around 5 the next morning (they thought it was 4 in the afternoon).

We met our contact this morning. She led us through training. It wasn’t hard, just a lot of information and need to knows. She has such an amazing story. That’s one of the best parts so far. Hearing everyone’s testimony and seeing how great the Lord is, and how strategic His timing and plans are. It’s crazy to think that everyone we have met today through this ministry, God has been preparing for over 13 years in some, to meet me and my team for the tasks we are doing in this city. That’s a very long, detailed, and patient plan. And we are getting to step into it, be apart of it, and further it.

We started our first trip this afternoon. It was a little nerve-wracking at first. Everyone’s staring at you, because there really aren’t that many Americans here, unless they’re on business. Which is why we dressed up in business casual, but regardless we stand out. No one from our team was stopped today, which is an amazing feat! Praise the Lord! Just be praying that we have favor in everything we are doing and with all we come in contact with. The Lord is amazing and He totally has everything in control. But we are doing everything we can to help Him out and just take the proper and necessary safety precautions.

We don’t work on the weekends, so those two days will be a welcome break. There’s a lot of walking around going on and my feet are already starting to blister… :/ This weekend we can explore/tour the city! It’s so beautiful, surrounded by mountains and water. Everything here is lit up and in bright colors. It’s kind of funny, but it’s also fun. They told us that only around 8-10% of China here is a Christian, out of 1.4 billion. That means 1.26 billion aren’t. It’s just mind blowing. As I was walking through the extremely crowded train stations and just even around the city, my thoughts and heart were pulled by that fact. It makes me sad to think about, but I just kept lifting it up to the Lord. Despite all the walking and such it takes to do our trips, there is also a lot of downtime. Time that I spend just in full on prayer. These people aren’t even aware, but I am waging war right beside them on their very behalf. It’s so powerful, and God is doing stuff in that. I can’t wait to get up tomorrow and do it all over again! Some may think it’s repetitive or boring, but our God is a God of energy and hardwork. So I’m leaning on that strength if my mind and body start falling out of line.

That’s all for now. I miss each and everyone of you back home. Thank yall for praying for me. Be lifting up my team members as well: Curt, Jackie, Courtney, Morgan, and Hannah. We could all use your prayers. GOODNIGHT HONGKONG!

9 thoughts on “HONGKONG

  1. Victoria! I have loved reading this and am excited that the Lord is already teaching you so much and using you to cover the people in China with prayer! You are a blessing :). Praying for you and the team!

  2. What a JOY to read this blog and see the wonderful things you are all doing for Christ❤ Many prayers are going up for the Global Journey Team✝

  3. Victoria, thanks for blogging! I am getting the update emails from Sarah and I just love hearing how yall are doing! I’m praying for the team! I’m so thankful I got to know yall at training before you headed out!

  4. How exciting to hear what God has already done! I woke up about 1 am last night which is your 2 pm time on Thursday. I began praying for the team for safety and the mission you were going to be doing that day. I know God is working through each of you. You are His hands and feet! I love you!

  5. It is such a blessing to be able to hear first hand what is going on in your life and those of your team members as you serve Him. Every time I wake up at night, I figure the time of day where you are and pray for your safety and to accomplish the goals that have been laid out for the day. It is exciting to hear you share the ways that God is touching your life and making you more aware of His presence and His plan. He is using these summer experiences to mold you and shape you into His plan. I love you!!

  6. Sounds so exciting! Praying for all of y’all! Hurry home because I think I forgot what you look like 😥 love you!

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